Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Beginnings

It’s all up to you (A chance to live)

In most things that have happen in my life(pleasant/unpleasant), but that never change what I believe in ‘new beginning’. I remember growing up in a township that calls Site B in other section of Khayelitsha, at that time I was still at my lowest grades I dependent on my mother about my tomorrow, because she was the one who looked after me. As time went things changed slowly I started to realise that there’s something that calls a ‘New Beginning’ no matter how hard life can hit you, but there’s always a chance to step up and look at the brighter side of life.

I love going out and point everything that I would love or like to have one day, sometimes I would even prophesy over those things claiming that they are mine, but of cause that depends on your faith. I believe in my heart through everything there’s a bright sky, because when you go to bed you expect the sun to be bright when you wake up and believe you me it’s what you get even when it’s raining. You make mistakes in life, but you always learn from them and that gives you hope everyday to wake up, and clean yourself up as if you didn’t fall.

Being grateful to God about giving you a chance to start over, I believe it’s what you call gratitude because if God didn’t allow us to start over how would the world be like. When it’s my birthday every year I know that it’s a new beginning for me, because I’m being given a chance to start new things and fly like an eagle. An Eagle is that kind of a bird that flies even when things aren’t going its way, when it falls and get hurt it heals itself and bounce back, because it knows that there’s a better chance of survival.

According to Oprah every sunrise is like a new page, a chance to right ourselves and receive each day in all its glory. My birthday it’s around the corner and I believe that I’ve been given a chance to live and glorify God for all his doings, because there are so many who didn’t get that chance and I’m being given one and that is a bonus on its self.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain)


Know what you want in your life and come up with ideas that will take you some where in the future.

When you know what you want in life surely you won’t have one idea, you will have many as you can, but what makes you have one it’s because you are not really sure of what you really want in life. It is true when is said “nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea”. It is good to have an idea, but you have to be cautious about the idea that you have, you can not just wake up in the middle of the night come up with an idea, but you don’t have a back up plan.

Having idea shows that you are still alive and you know what you want about your future, because most of us didn’t just get where we are today without having an idea of what we wanted for our future, even so we had many ideas. What makes one idea to be dangerous is that you only live on that idea and when it fails you collapse and have no where to look.

The reason why we fail in life it’s because we fail to think out of the box, we like to use other person’s mind and when that person is no longer there you lose direction of your life. In our success especially career wise, you need to brainstorm and come up with ideas, what happens then if you have one idea and it’s close to the deadline, you get fired if your idea doesn’t sell and the company will lose because of you.

There's nothing more dangerous than to fail and knowing that the result of your failor was not trying to win and you end up blaming yourself/ other people for everything that goes wrong in your life. I will do my best and come up with ideas for my success or die trying, knowing that theres nothing that will stop me to be on top of everything.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How do you survive in the storm?

Do you break or stand?

Imagine yourself in a huge town very dry and full of worms with no where to stand the ground, and there are thorns everywhere. How do you survive? Most people have given up on their dreams, because they couldn’t survive the storm. Have you ever felt so tired, worn out and you feel like there’s nothing you can do about the storm that is right in front of you, the more you run the more you get hurt.

Life has drowned so many people, some find themselves in the shadow of others and some drowning in sinful nature with no exit 'so they think', because there’s an exit in any situation, but you have to find your way out.

How do you find your way out?

You find your way out by realizing something, that you cannot do it on your own you need someone to lean on and that someone is not your friend, parents, Is the only one OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN ‘GOD’. Through it all I’ve learnt one thing only; God is the only one who can get you through the trials and tribulations of this earth.

Have faith in God even when at times you see nothing that is motivating you, but hang in there, because God had your cry.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Living without a purpose !

Having you in your life it’s a bonus in itself, but don’t waste any minute revolving on negative things, you might die there.

A life without a purpose is a life without a destination. Like a boat floating on the ocean, there is no telling where you might end up. With no direction to your life, you will be moved by random feelings and emotions into any harbor. How do you manage to get lost over and over again, because of ignorance? And that makes you to be capable of any wickedness because you lack control of your own life. When a person does not know what direction is making for, no wind is the right wind.

We all know that on the way there are things that you come across, but that is not the end of the day it’s a beginning of new things. How do you survive knowing that you don’t have anything planned for your life, do you sit around and wait for something to happen? You like a zombie that is waiting to be thrown away, and it doesn’t have to be like that.

How do you know that you have something in you? I’m not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals. I mean the real reason why you’re in this earth. Perhaps you’re a rather ‘don’t care’ kind of a person who doesn’t believe you have a purpose and that life has no meaning. I have discovered that in life you can’t live by what if or I wish things were, the only thing that you can do is to wake up and make things happen, because you may never know what the next second brings you. Being scared of failing won’t change things it may just delay you to your destination and at the end of the day we have to climb the mountain to check how fit we are.

15 minutes of Fame....

OOPS!!!! 15 minutes of Fame

15 minutes of fame it's quite interesting when you think about it and quite stressing come to think of it. First of all being the world famous person it gives you all the fame/popularity you need and want and when it stops in a blink of an eye it's a hangover. The world has many opportunities for an individual its either you become famous for 15 minutes and enjoy every minute of it, because you have all the attention you need or sit around and do nothing.

"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes" (Warhol ,1968). Being famous is the most common adventure across the globe, because all most everyone wants to be famous, but at the very same it's not a good thing when the fame ends especially when you least expect it. Being famous is like when you are having your favorite dish and you don't want that meal to end, when you are being destructed you loose your mind and you get your 15 minutes of misery.

15 minutes of Fame it's not something that you should hold on to, because at the end of the day you have to give a chance to other people so that they can have their 15 minute of fame. The most interesting thing is that all most everyone is famous, because we have facebook, twitter, blogger the list go on and that gives you a spot light to people that don't know you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Being what you wanna be!!!

Shhhhhhh, listen to the innerself

Mhhhhhhhh being what you wanna be, is it by choice or is it because you have to be that person? I really don't know. I've came across many things looking around searching for answers, but not finding what I'm looking for, but at the very same time not sure of what I'm looking for. You go in circles looking for the same thing and found out that it's not what I'm looking for, what do you do in that situation.

Are you what you wanted to be?

You made your way where you are today, did you do it in a right way or you just skipped some classes/levels what is it, what's wrong, are you happy where you are, and did you find what you were looking for? My mind is telling me that you are not happy were you are or am I wrong, is it what you wanted to be, why don't you take some time out and spend time with God so that he may reveal himself to you, because I'm not sure whether you want to be there.

I am what I want to be

Im raised, educated, blood washed, beautiful, loving God, close to my destiny, and full of the spirit of God. Never doubt who you are and what you are today determines who you are going to be tomorrow. My brothers and sisters never fear of what is in front of you, just hold your head up and start believing in yourself.

Rock Journalism!!!!!!

“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa).

On this stage Zappa meant that these kind of people know what they want and go for what they believe is their target for that moment. At this stage I'm really not sure of what I'm going to write about in this topic its quite challenging for me, because I dont really know what to write. I've checked some of Zappa's quotes and they were quite interesting and maybe I will share some of them with you.
  • Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny.
  • Stupidity is the basic building block of the universe.
  • If we can't be free at least we can be cheap.
  • Sometimes you got to get sick before you can feel better.

These are some of the quotes that are interesting and quotes are uplifting and make you think alot like the one that I have at the moment " Rock Journalism"

What motivates me…

God is my Motivation

The biggest motivation is God presence in my life, when I think of where God took me from it comes a reminder of the person that I was and that brings where I am today, because of who he is in my life. God gave me life which I treasure with all that I have, God was there before the begining (before I was created) and he new everything about me. God gave me a wonderful family that at the begining I didn't notice, because I was too blind to see, and the devil just put a fog infront of me so that I may hate God for putting me in that situation, but God new why he gave me that family. My family has been part of the motivation that God gave me without them in my life my life would have been meaningless, especially the mother that he gave me I wouldn't exchange her with anyone that goes for my siblings (brothers and sisters) love you guys.

God motivates me in a way that other people wont understand, he elightens my day, brings me joy when there's sadeness, put a smile in my face when it is full of tears, and that is what keeps me going knowing that I'm not alone. The word;the word yes the "word" it's full of possibilities and everything that you see there it's true, what God says there is really true, because he says in the book of James 2vs14-16 'Faith without actions is dead" so you must live what you proclaim with your mouth which means exercise your faith.

All my life I have lived and conquered everything, because I knew that my Redeemer lives and thats what keeps me awake everymorning and knowing that it is not over till God atsho. I thank God for being a motivation in my life, believing in me when no one didn't, and for being my father when mine was absent and for being a wonderful friend when I needed one.

Personal autonomy-how far does it extend?

Personal autonomy, means the right of self government, independence!!!
We are all raised in different ways that each of us wont understand, sometimes it comes as a shock when some of us carry ourselves in a independent way, which is a good thing in most cases. I believe that being independent takes you very far and you think that there's nothing that you cannot face, where as sometimes you need people by your side to correct you when you are in a wrong direction. We are all in this world full of suprises where we are doing things according to what we believe is right or what we were taught is right by our parents.
You have your own part that you play in your life and that means you need to be responsible for your own being, even so you have to think about the people that can be affected by your action. Being independent is not a bad thing, but you need to take responsibility for your actions and willing to be rebuked, because many times it's not all about you also about the society that you live in, how the society perceive you as an individual.Personal autonomy goes as far as the regulations or rules we make for ourselves as human beings and how we behave in societies we found ourselves in.
You must decide what you want about your life and make sure that every decision that you make today can benefit you for tomorrow,because it's not all about today, and I believe its how far you can extend your personal autonomy.

Protesting CPUT students

Fighting for your Rights, but in a wrong way!!
In my heart I believe that protesting is a way of expresss your feelings, but there's no justification for violence.
In 1987 the Peninsula Technikon opened its doors to all South Africans. In the same year, the Cape Technikon applied for and was granted special permission to have the Government’s regulation lifted on the quota for black students. In May 2002, the Minister announced the possible merger of the Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon in January 2005 and now it’s called Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT).
The merging of the two Technikons (CPUT) opened doors for the black students to further their studies for tertiary education. The expectations of the black student was for the institution to be reasonable when it comes to financial decisions, but so far that has not happened they are being treated as if they are all coming from privilege families.
Prof L Vuyisa Mazwi-Tanga was appointed as the first Vice-chancellor of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in February 2006. Ever since she started the students haven’t seen a progress in her portfolio and they feel like it’s her fault all of these strikes have occurred.

On the 03 of August 2009 Cape Peninsula University of Technology student started protesting about the registration fees that have increased in a shocking way, from R2 500, 2 700 to R5 000 in one go, that made the students to be very angry about the decision that the management has made.
Students fail to understand why the management doesn’t want to listen to them, because they should put their core values into action and on that note it will make the institution to fulfill the mission and the vision of the institution, which they are not doing at the moment.
The Strikes that have been happening at the Cape Peninsula University has affected the image and reputation of institution and it has cost them millions.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Everyday is a Good day

Everyday is your day, make it happen

I have to be honest that there are times were you feel so stressed and you can't wait for the day to be over. Obviously I'ts up to you to make your day a good day, on my point of view life is very challenging you have to make your life as easy as you can. life is like a wheel, it rolls over and over, today you wake up with this positive attitude and maybe on your way to work, school or somewhere something just hit you and that changes your attitude for the day.

Your character/personality makes a difference in you, because you can't live life by complaining all the time even if you see things ain't going your way, you just have to adjust yourself and be happy. Make your day a beautifu/good day, if you dont who is going to make your day a good if you don't, I have realised that there are trials/tribulations that we face on our daily lives and that affects they way we think about things. Some people have this mentality that life is unfair where as life is fair, it is only up to us to make sure that you live your life according to the possibilities and grab and chance that you get to make your day good.

Ladies and gentlemen all in all, I'm saying, be prepared for anything in life and just change the negative to positive, because if you don't do that you will die before time and don't achieve what you wanted to achieve. Another thing that I should add is that LIVE by FAITH and do something to HELP YOUR FAITH, don't just STAND there DO SOMETHING!!!!!!

Everyday is my day!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses

Thank your weaknesses for the strength that you have

True that, we are being driven by our weaknesses, to be what we are today, because you wouldn't know your strength if you didn't have weaknesses. Most of the time we are being challenged and it seems like things will never be the same, we tend to throw the towel, with out knowing that is the begining of new things. There were times that I wanted to give up, it is not easy to face your weaknesses, as hard as it is, you have to look on the bright side of your weaknesses, at that moment you don't know the out comes of the situation, but after you have pulled through, you will see your greatest strength.

How would you know your greatest strength if you don't get weak, facing those things that you know are going to put you down, at that time is where you test yourself how strong you are, because if we were not tested how would we know whether we can make it or not. Sometimes I feel so glad that I have weaknesses, because it is where by I can see that I'm still alive and how strong I am, and I'm glad to know that I can face my weaknesses, because I know I have strength to face them. If you can't change the circumtances, change yourself. We cannot choose what will happen to us,but we can choose what happen in us,that is, We can choose to have right attitude, in whch we view challenges as opportunities instead of problems. Choose to be positive.

We go through tribulations and most of the time we tend to think that is the end of the world,but it is not and forgetting that God is there to hold our hands, when we are about to fall. I'm just thinking right now, It's not easy to bare a pain, especially when you feel that no one will understand what you going through, the only think I can say now is this "hang on and you shall prosper" and thank your weaknesses, because they have given you the greatest strength.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

feelings follow behaviour

Lets feel what we behave

Have to agree with this, We don't just behave the way we do with out the feelings behind it. I came to realisation that, what makes people react/behave the way they do, it's because of the way they feel about certain things. Feelings are the most difficult to remove from yourself, even when at times you don't want to behave the way you are behaving at that moment, but because of the way you are feeling at that moment. Feelings makes us do things that we don't like and we tend to hurt ourselves by acting on those feelings.

Most people have lost value, because of their feelings, you get hurt and you become bitter, after that you take an easy way out,because of that temporary situation and you make permanent decision. We are being driven by our feelings, if you can put feelings a side for a moment and think on how you were going to be if you didn't have feelings. In whatever you do make sure that your feelings don't ruin your life, because in most cases we find ourselves in situations that are hard to be taken out, and is your responsibility to pull yourself out from that situation.

At the very same time feelings help you alot, because they make you a better person, because you behave according to the way you feel, and most of the time you change a person's life, because of your feelings. Feel,touch and behave. Feelings follow behaviour,what you feel inside, you want to act on it so that people can know how you feel with out realising that you are showing your feelings.

It is better to practice little than to talk alot

Practice what you preach, and you shall prosper

Amen to that, I believe that most of the time we talk alot than practicing what we preach. The reason that we fail most of the time we say things that we won't be able to do. There are things in life that are not easy to do even though they are easy to say, because you say this thing with your heart and mouth, and it becomes so hard to apply what you have just said to yourself and someone next to you.

I have faced those moments where by I would say something with the excitement in me, but later on I can't apply what i have just said to myself, that is where I found out that this was a problem. There are people who speak so little, but when it comes to work they are very good, you never see those people struggling with things,because they know what is expected of them.

Those who talk alot, find it so hard to put what they say into action, and that becomes so frustrating at the end of they day, because you end up wasting time on talking than to do what you are suppose to do. We dream/have visions, so why does it become so difficult to push ourselves on achieving our goals, you start a race, what makes you stop from finishing that race. Lets talk less and spend most of our time on practicing what we say and we shall see the results of what we do, and those positive results.

Monday, May 11, 2009

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

Never lie to yourself, that is a worst decision ever!!

Lying to yourself is the most easiest thing ever, especial when you are trying to run away from something. At many times we lie to ourselves and thinking that we are going to get away with it, but the funny part is that you are lying to yourself and is quite difficult to ignore the fact that, this thing is going to eat you. To all the experience that I had in my life, about not being true to myself has cost me dearly and I don't want to go back to that route again, because it's not a nice feeling at all. We go through many tribulations and sometimes we don't want to share what we feel inside with others and that makes the pain to be more and you end up lying to yourself, by ignoring the fact that you are in pain and pretend that everything is okay.

We must face the reality, if things are not going according to our plans, we just have to face that temporary situation, because one thing I know is that everything that you are going through is just a passage to your destination and there is no point lying to yourself about it, you just have to face the situation and be strong till it pass. We lie to ourselves about so many things and it is a poor idea to do that, because it leaves you with a guilty conscious and you become so stressed over nothing and that is not healthy at all, believe you me. I guess we should try so hard to be true to ourselves and that will make us people, and enjoy life and live for the moment.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Not all who wonder are lost

Just wondering!
There is nothing wrong to wonder on how you are going to live your life, but taking too much time thinking about it can be a problem. Most of us spend our time thinking what is my next step and forgetting that time is ticking and when you waste time it never returns to you or anyone. Not all who wonder are lost indeed, I remember there was a time where by I wanted to be in the law side, and also wanted to be a fashion designer, but ended up doing Public Relations which i'm happy about and I have achieved my goal, still going.
We dont have to stop wondering, because you may never know, where your destiny is, and it gives us a chance to find the inner you, maybe along the way you got lost and by wondering you find the real you. Most of the people wasted their time wondering, they failed to achieve their goals, because they kept changing their statements everytime and thinking of something that will make the road easy, unfortunately there's not an easy road, those who take any easy way end-up getting lost along the way. "I have been wondering what/where am I going to be in few years to come", I'm not only wondering, I'm doing something about that, because you wonder and put it into action.
Lets make things happen for ourselves and think about the generation to come, so that we may not become failures infront of their eyes and fail them dismally. "Don't just stand there Do something about your situation". Not all of us are lost, we just need some encouragement/ motivation from other people so that we may not be lost on wondering.

How to step from a 100 foot- pole ?

Are you ready to step from a 100 foot- pole?
Oh well! I think that, stepping from a 100 foot pole it's not quite an easy battle to face. Looking down from a tall building is not a nice picture and thinking that you will fall and break some other parts of your body or maybe die. It's up to us to take us through failings, dissapointments, and tribulations and it depends on you to make your way up and prevent yourself from going down. At some point you have to be in the wilderness and there's nothing we can do about that, in order to see that you are strong, you have to face challenges and deal with the situation no matter how hard it is.
Failing to prepare yourself for things that will make your heart to beat faster is dangerous and it might kill you, because you are not in the right position, which i believe that you have to be ready for anything whether is good or bad. Stepping from 100 foot- pole is very challenging, and I have been in those situations where I felt like I was weak, clueless, and felt like I was alone, no one was feeling my pain even though people were around, I kept asking myself questions "how am I going to be able to pull myself from this pole, but there's always a way out. God is God of everything and is waiting for us to claim our things from him and be obedient so that when you are out from the 100 foot-pole you can remember where you were before.
The question is " are you reday to step from a 100 foot- pole"?, take a moment and think about that and begin to act on that.

We are what we do

You are what you Do!
I have to agree with the statement, definitely we are what we do. At times we do things and try to make justification for the the things that we do. I believe that we bring most of the dissapointments in our lives about the choices we make and thinking that we are going to handle the matter without any hustle, that is a problem. What you do represent the person you are and I fail to understand, how we tend to blame other people about the way we behave, we like to say "someone made me to be like this" okay I understand at times people like to push us to the limits, however at that moment you had a choice to make the matter different, but you didn't and who's to blame you or the person that's the question you may have to answer within you.
Brothers and sisters lets understand one thing, God created you to be the person that he wants you to be and as we go along with things of this earth we tend to forget our purpose in this earth and we try so hard to be people that we are not suppose to be, just because we want to fit in where ever we are at that moment. Lets not change the people that we are because of peer pressure, we might loose who we are and become what we are not, because our behavior determines where we are going.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Are we afraid of wrong things?

"Are YOU afraid of wrong things"?

Well, let me digest that question for a moment, what would be your answer, everyone has a similar answer to this, I can say 95% of us. Being afraid it's another thing and being wrong it's another, so by combining the two it makes it difficult to naswer this question, both are the people's enemies. As we all know we are not living in a perfect world, everyone is allowed to make mistake and say wrong things at a wrong time and that gives each individual a fright, so what do you do about that when that situation strikes. Take a moment and think about this, how would the world be if we were not afraid, everyone would do as they pleased as it is happening right now. Wrong things are there to happen, to most of us is a wake up call, but to few is bread and butter, enjoying the moment of making things wrong and not being afraid of it. This question has many angles some of us may think, 'wrong' means "making mistakes' or 'dirty stuff', so it's up to you on how you work on it, by using afraid is giving us an idea on how these two explainations we deal with them. I was once told that, as a person you should be afraid on how you run your life, wrong things you find your self doing/mistakes that you make are there to happen to correct you and determining where you are going. " Are you afraid of wrong things" well it's up to you on how you answer that, but I believe as a person living in this earth you should be afraid of wrong things, not that they will take you away from your destination, but giving you a bigger picture of life and how you do things.

What is the colour of the wind?

"what colour is your wind?"

Your guess is as good as mine, keep wondering "what colour is the wind?" . I have been thinking, what would be the perfect answer for this ironic question, well there's no perfect answer, the only thing you can do is keep wondering. Nature is the beautiful thing that God has created, so when it comes to things like;wind,water, mountain, sand, etc, you get so confused on how you can describe them, so when I had to think what colour is the wind, I was a bit astonished, because it's not an easy task. On my point of view "colour of the wind" is the breeze that comes when you list expected, just the reflection of looking at it, however I must say it's not easy to look at the wind, because at times it is rough and very windy, you have to use precautions in order to examine the wind. There are times where by you feel that 'nature touch' coming along with wind and you have to listen to the message that it brings to you. Picture this, your clothes flow to another direction, hair swinging to the same direction and your body all over the place, that picture takes you to another dimension, just imagine the way I feel as I'm writing this "the colour of the wind".

Thursday, March 5, 2009

If I were the boss

The thought of being a boss scares me, because there are so many things that you think about, firstly am I going to be able to handle the pressure?. Being the boss is very challenging and you must be firm, making sure that everything is running smooth in your company. Having me as a boss, my employees will be very happy, because I will treat them equally, no one will be better than the other and I will make sure that they respect me. It is not as sweet as we think it is, being a boss is demanding so much, because you have to make sure that you are on the right track and your competitors are scared of your progress in the business. The most important thing is that your clients are satisfied with your service and by doing that you have to make sure that your employees know their duties in the business, besides complaining, gossiping, etc. I'm enjoying the name boss,because it gives you the idea that you are calling the shots and everything must be runned by you, before taking any decision, because they will live to regret it. I will allow my employees to be part of the discussions that are being held in the company, because most bosses have an intention of making decisions for their employees without going around and ask suggestions, even though you know that your decision count most.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Reaching your dreams

Reaching your dreams is something that most of us wishing to have, and it breaks our hearts when we don't get where we want to be in life. Our main concern is that, if you don't reach your destiny what is it that you are not doing right, and what kind of a future you have. Some of us don't dream, because we see no point of having dreams if they are not going to come true, reason being we fail to dream. We recall life as being unfair, but speaking the honest truth; life is fair, it depends on how you live your life 'do you depend on people do reach your dreams?, if you are, you are making a mistake'. There's a say that says "action speaks louder than words", people are divided into three categories; there are those who don't dream, those who dream, but do nothing about it, and those who make it happen. Reaching where we want to be is not something easy, you struggle, suffer and it takes a minute to change your life, you can be what you want to be as long as you make something good for yourself and building a better future for the next generation. I have learnt that moaning around is waste of time and energy, because you waste time complaining about things especial those you can't change and it makes it difficult to come to terms with the reality. Reaching our dreams is something that all of us should do and be proud of what we have become, because our future is in our hands.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

South African Bands

Well, I think South African bands are one of a kind, and really I enjoy listening to them in my spare time. Overall South african music brings me back to my roots, it reminds me of who I am and I am a proud South african. Just listen to the Hugh Masekela's bands, the rhythm, The late Miriam Makeba, and Mafikizolo, and there are so many, it will be another day if I can mension all of them. Those Khwela Khwela rhythms, i belive that who ever listens to those bands can't resist the passion that you have with the music. I have no problem listening to international bands, however listening to your own bands is quite interesting, beacause you feel proud about your country and you boost your country's image and economy instead of wasting money listening to other bands. I feel like South African music industry has played a big role on entertaining their people and is growing everyday and people are demanding as time goes and you get interested of what is coming next. South african bands rocks, because most of the South African bands are making huge amount of money everyday and they go worldwide, people from other countries want the test of our music, just the feeling of thinking about this, gives me joy to my heart, because you can see that South africa is a moving country.