Friday, November 6, 2009

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain)


Know what you want in your life and come up with ideas that will take you some where in the future.

When you know what you want in life surely you won’t have one idea, you will have many as you can, but what makes you have one it’s because you are not really sure of what you really want in life. It is true when is said “nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea”. It is good to have an idea, but you have to be cautious about the idea that you have, you can not just wake up in the middle of the night come up with an idea, but you don’t have a back up plan.

Having idea shows that you are still alive and you know what you want about your future, because most of us didn’t just get where we are today without having an idea of what we wanted for our future, even so we had many ideas. What makes one idea to be dangerous is that you only live on that idea and when it fails you collapse and have no where to look.

The reason why we fail in life it’s because we fail to think out of the box, we like to use other person’s mind and when that person is no longer there you lose direction of your life. In our success especially career wise, you need to brainstorm and come up with ideas, what happens then if you have one idea and it’s close to the deadline, you get fired if your idea doesn’t sell and the company will lose because of you.

There's nothing more dangerous than to fail and knowing that the result of your failor was not trying to win and you end up blaming yourself/ other people for everything that goes wrong in your life. I will do my best and come up with ideas for my success or die trying, knowing that theres nothing that will stop me to be on top of everything.

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