Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Beginnings

It’s all up to you (A chance to live)

In most things that have happen in my life(pleasant/unpleasant), but that never change what I believe in ‘new beginning’. I remember growing up in a township that calls Site B in other section of Khayelitsha, at that time I was still at my lowest grades I dependent on my mother about my tomorrow, because she was the one who looked after me. As time went things changed slowly I started to realise that there’s something that calls a ‘New Beginning’ no matter how hard life can hit you, but there’s always a chance to step up and look at the brighter side of life.

I love going out and point everything that I would love or like to have one day, sometimes I would even prophesy over those things claiming that they are mine, but of cause that depends on your faith. I believe in my heart through everything there’s a bright sky, because when you go to bed you expect the sun to be bright when you wake up and believe you me it’s what you get even when it’s raining. You make mistakes in life, but you always learn from them and that gives you hope everyday to wake up, and clean yourself up as if you didn’t fall.

Being grateful to God about giving you a chance to start over, I believe it’s what you call gratitude because if God didn’t allow us to start over how would the world be like. When it’s my birthday every year I know that it’s a new beginning for me, because I’m being given a chance to start new things and fly like an eagle. An Eagle is that kind of a bird that flies even when things aren’t going its way, when it falls and get hurt it heals itself and bounce back, because it knows that there’s a better chance of survival.

According to Oprah every sunrise is like a new page, a chance to right ourselves and receive each day in all its glory. My birthday it’s around the corner and I believe that I’ve been given a chance to live and glorify God for all his doings, because there are so many who didn’t get that chance and I’m being given one and that is a bonus on its self.

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