Thursday, October 8, 2009

How do you survive in the storm?

Do you break or stand?

Imagine yourself in a huge town very dry and full of worms with no where to stand the ground, and there are thorns everywhere. How do you survive? Most people have given up on their dreams, because they couldn’t survive the storm. Have you ever felt so tired, worn out and you feel like there’s nothing you can do about the storm that is right in front of you, the more you run the more you get hurt.

Life has drowned so many people, some find themselves in the shadow of others and some drowning in sinful nature with no exit 'so they think', because there’s an exit in any situation, but you have to find your way out.

How do you find your way out?

You find your way out by realizing something, that you cannot do it on your own you need someone to lean on and that someone is not your friend, parents, Is the only one OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN ‘GOD’. Through it all I’ve learnt one thing only; God is the only one who can get you through the trials and tribulations of this earth.

Have faith in God even when at times you see nothing that is motivating you, but hang in there, because God had your cry.

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