Thursday, June 11, 2009

Everyday is a Good day

Everyday is your day, make it happen

I have to be honest that there are times were you feel so stressed and you can't wait for the day to be over. Obviously I'ts up to you to make your day a good day, on my point of view life is very challenging you have to make your life as easy as you can. life is like a wheel, it rolls over and over, today you wake up with this positive attitude and maybe on your way to work, school or somewhere something just hit you and that changes your attitude for the day.

Your character/personality makes a difference in you, because you can't live life by complaining all the time even if you see things ain't going your way, you just have to adjust yourself and be happy. Make your day a beautifu/good day, if you dont who is going to make your day a good if you don't, I have realised that there are trials/tribulations that we face on our daily lives and that affects they way we think about things. Some people have this mentality that life is unfair where as life is fair, it is only up to us to make sure that you live your life according to the possibilities and grab and chance that you get to make your day good.

Ladies and gentlemen all in all, I'm saying, be prepared for anything in life and just change the negative to positive, because if you don't do that you will die before time and don't achieve what you wanted to achieve. Another thing that I should add is that LIVE by FAITH and do something to HELP YOUR FAITH, don't just STAND there DO SOMETHING!!!!!!

Everyday is my day!

1 comment:

  1. Miss Mguzulwa, i totally agree with everything you said.It make sense.
