Monday, May 11, 2009

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

Never lie to yourself, that is a worst decision ever!!

Lying to yourself is the most easiest thing ever, especial when you are trying to run away from something. At many times we lie to ourselves and thinking that we are going to get away with it, but the funny part is that you are lying to yourself and is quite difficult to ignore the fact that, this thing is going to eat you. To all the experience that I had in my life, about not being true to myself has cost me dearly and I don't want to go back to that route again, because it's not a nice feeling at all. We go through many tribulations and sometimes we don't want to share what we feel inside with others and that makes the pain to be more and you end up lying to yourself, by ignoring the fact that you are in pain and pretend that everything is okay.

We must face the reality, if things are not going according to our plans, we just have to face that temporary situation, because one thing I know is that everything that you are going through is just a passage to your destination and there is no point lying to yourself about it, you just have to face the situation and be strong till it pass. We lie to ourselves about so many things and it is a poor idea to do that, because it leaves you with a guilty conscious and you become so stressed over nothing and that is not healthy at all, believe you me. I guess we should try so hard to be true to ourselves and that will make us people, and enjoy life and live for the moment.

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