Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What motivates me…

God is my Motivation

The biggest motivation is God presence in my life, when I think of where God took me from it comes a reminder of the person that I was and that brings where I am today, because of who he is in my life. God gave me life which I treasure with all that I have, God was there before the begining (before I was created) and he new everything about me. God gave me a wonderful family that at the begining I didn't notice, because I was too blind to see, and the devil just put a fog infront of me so that I may hate God for putting me in that situation, but God new why he gave me that family. My family has been part of the motivation that God gave me without them in my life my life would have been meaningless, especially the mother that he gave me I wouldn't exchange her with anyone that goes for my siblings (brothers and sisters) love you guys.

God motivates me in a way that other people wont understand, he elightens my day, brings me joy when there's sadeness, put a smile in my face when it is full of tears, and that is what keeps me going knowing that I'm not alone. The word;the word yes the "word" it's full of possibilities and everything that you see there it's true, what God says there is really true, because he says in the book of James 2vs14-16 'Faith without actions is dead" so you must live what you proclaim with your mouth which means exercise your faith.

All my life I have lived and conquered everything, because I knew that my Redeemer lives and thats what keeps me awake everymorning and knowing that it is not over till God atsho. I thank God for being a motivation in my life, believing in me when no one didn't, and for being my father when mine was absent and for being a wonderful friend when I needed one.

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