Wednesday, May 20, 2009

feelings follow behaviour

Lets feel what we behave

Have to agree with this, We don't just behave the way we do with out the feelings behind it. I came to realisation that, what makes people react/behave the way they do, it's because of the way they feel about certain things. Feelings are the most difficult to remove from yourself, even when at times you don't want to behave the way you are behaving at that moment, but because of the way you are feeling at that moment. Feelings makes us do things that we don't like and we tend to hurt ourselves by acting on those feelings.

Most people have lost value, because of their feelings, you get hurt and you become bitter, after that you take an easy way out,because of that temporary situation and you make permanent decision. We are being driven by our feelings, if you can put feelings a side for a moment and think on how you were going to be if you didn't have feelings. In whatever you do make sure that your feelings don't ruin your life, because in most cases we find ourselves in situations that are hard to be taken out, and is your responsibility to pull yourself out from that situation.

At the very same time feelings help you alot, because they make you a better person, because you behave according to the way you feel, and most of the time you change a person's life, because of your feelings. Feel,touch and behave. Feelings follow behaviour,what you feel inside, you want to act on it so that people can know how you feel with out realising that you are showing your feelings.

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