Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Being what you wanna be!!!

Shhhhhhh, listen to the innerself

Mhhhhhhhh being what you wanna be, is it by choice or is it because you have to be that person? I really don't know. I've came across many things looking around searching for answers, but not finding what I'm looking for, but at the very same time not sure of what I'm looking for. You go in circles looking for the same thing and found out that it's not what I'm looking for, what do you do in that situation.

Are you what you wanted to be?

You made your way where you are today, did you do it in a right way or you just skipped some classes/levels what is it, what's wrong, are you happy where you are, and did you find what you were looking for? My mind is telling me that you are not happy were you are or am I wrong, is it what you wanted to be, why don't you take some time out and spend time with God so that he may reveal himself to you, because I'm not sure whether you want to be there.

I am what I want to be

Im raised, educated, blood washed, beautiful, loving God, close to my destiny, and full of the spirit of God. Never doubt who you are and what you are today determines who you are going to be tomorrow. My brothers and sisters never fear of what is in front of you, just hold your head up and start believing in yourself.

Rock Journalism!!!!!!

“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa).

On this stage Zappa meant that these kind of people know what they want and go for what they believe is their target for that moment. At this stage I'm really not sure of what I'm going to write about in this topic its quite challenging for me, because I dont really know what to write. I've checked some of Zappa's quotes and they were quite interesting and maybe I will share some of them with you.
  • Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny.
  • Stupidity is the basic building block of the universe.
  • If we can't be free at least we can be cheap.
  • Sometimes you got to get sick before you can feel better.

These are some of the quotes that are interesting and quotes are uplifting and make you think alot like the one that I have at the moment " Rock Journalism"

What motivates me…

God is my Motivation

The biggest motivation is God presence in my life, when I think of where God took me from it comes a reminder of the person that I was and that brings where I am today, because of who he is in my life. God gave me life which I treasure with all that I have, God was there before the begining (before I was created) and he new everything about me. God gave me a wonderful family that at the begining I didn't notice, because I was too blind to see, and the devil just put a fog infront of me so that I may hate God for putting me in that situation, but God new why he gave me that family. My family has been part of the motivation that God gave me without them in my life my life would have been meaningless, especially the mother that he gave me I wouldn't exchange her with anyone that goes for my siblings (brothers and sisters) love you guys.

God motivates me in a way that other people wont understand, he elightens my day, brings me joy when there's sadeness, put a smile in my face when it is full of tears, and that is what keeps me going knowing that I'm not alone. The word;the word yes the "word" it's full of possibilities and everything that you see there it's true, what God says there is really true, because he says in the book of James 2vs14-16 'Faith without actions is dead" so you must live what you proclaim with your mouth which means exercise your faith.

All my life I have lived and conquered everything, because I knew that my Redeemer lives and thats what keeps me awake everymorning and knowing that it is not over till God atsho. I thank God for being a motivation in my life, believing in me when no one didn't, and for being my father when mine was absent and for being a wonderful friend when I needed one.

Personal autonomy-how far does it extend?

Personal autonomy, means the right of self government, independence!!!
We are all raised in different ways that each of us wont understand, sometimes it comes as a shock when some of us carry ourselves in a independent way, which is a good thing in most cases. I believe that being independent takes you very far and you think that there's nothing that you cannot face, where as sometimes you need people by your side to correct you when you are in a wrong direction. We are all in this world full of suprises where we are doing things according to what we believe is right or what we were taught is right by our parents.
You have your own part that you play in your life and that means you need to be responsible for your own being, even so you have to think about the people that can be affected by your action. Being independent is not a bad thing, but you need to take responsibility for your actions and willing to be rebuked, because many times it's not all about you also about the society that you live in, how the society perceive you as an individual.Personal autonomy goes as far as the regulations or rules we make for ourselves as human beings and how we behave in societies we found ourselves in.
You must decide what you want about your life and make sure that every decision that you make today can benefit you for tomorrow,because it's not all about today, and I believe its how far you can extend your personal autonomy.

Protesting CPUT students

Fighting for your Rights, but in a wrong way!!
In my heart I believe that protesting is a way of expresss your feelings, but there's no justification for violence.
In 1987 the Peninsula Technikon opened its doors to all South Africans. In the same year, the Cape Technikon applied for and was granted special permission to have the Government’s regulation lifted on the quota for black students. In May 2002, the Minister announced the possible merger of the Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon in January 2005 and now it’s called Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT).
The merging of the two Technikons (CPUT) opened doors for the black students to further their studies for tertiary education. The expectations of the black student was for the institution to be reasonable when it comes to financial decisions, but so far that has not happened they are being treated as if they are all coming from privilege families.
Prof L Vuyisa Mazwi-Tanga was appointed as the first Vice-chancellor of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in February 2006. Ever since she started the students haven’t seen a progress in her portfolio and they feel like it’s her fault all of these strikes have occurred.

On the 03 of August 2009 Cape Peninsula University of Technology student started protesting about the registration fees that have increased in a shocking way, from R2 500, 2 700 to R5 000 in one go, that made the students to be very angry about the decision that the management has made.
Students fail to understand why the management doesn’t want to listen to them, because they should put their core values into action and on that note it will make the institution to fulfill the mission and the vision of the institution, which they are not doing at the moment.
The Strikes that have been happening at the Cape Peninsula University has affected the image and reputation of institution and it has cost them millions.