Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Beginnings

It’s all up to you (A chance to live)

In most things that have happen in my life(pleasant/unpleasant), but that never change what I believe in ‘new beginning’. I remember growing up in a township that calls Site B in other section of Khayelitsha, at that time I was still at my lowest grades I dependent on my mother about my tomorrow, because she was the one who looked after me. As time went things changed slowly I started to realise that there’s something that calls a ‘New Beginning’ no matter how hard life can hit you, but there’s always a chance to step up and look at the brighter side of life.

I love going out and point everything that I would love or like to have one day, sometimes I would even prophesy over those things claiming that they are mine, but of cause that depends on your faith. I believe in my heart through everything there’s a bright sky, because when you go to bed you expect the sun to be bright when you wake up and believe you me it’s what you get even when it’s raining. You make mistakes in life, but you always learn from them and that gives you hope everyday to wake up, and clean yourself up as if you didn’t fall.

Being grateful to God about giving you a chance to start over, I believe it’s what you call gratitude because if God didn’t allow us to start over how would the world be like. When it’s my birthday every year I know that it’s a new beginning for me, because I’m being given a chance to start new things and fly like an eagle. An Eagle is that kind of a bird that flies even when things aren’t going its way, when it falls and get hurt it heals itself and bounce back, because it knows that there’s a better chance of survival.

According to Oprah every sunrise is like a new page, a chance to right ourselves and receive each day in all its glory. My birthday it’s around the corner and I believe that I’ve been given a chance to live and glorify God for all his doings, because there are so many who didn’t get that chance and I’m being given one and that is a bonus on its self.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain)


Know what you want in your life and come up with ideas that will take you some where in the future.

When you know what you want in life surely you won’t have one idea, you will have many as you can, but what makes you have one it’s because you are not really sure of what you really want in life. It is true when is said “nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea”. It is good to have an idea, but you have to be cautious about the idea that you have, you can not just wake up in the middle of the night come up with an idea, but you don’t have a back up plan.

Having idea shows that you are still alive and you know what you want about your future, because most of us didn’t just get where we are today without having an idea of what we wanted for our future, even so we had many ideas. What makes one idea to be dangerous is that you only live on that idea and when it fails you collapse and have no where to look.

The reason why we fail in life it’s because we fail to think out of the box, we like to use other person’s mind and when that person is no longer there you lose direction of your life. In our success especially career wise, you need to brainstorm and come up with ideas, what happens then if you have one idea and it’s close to the deadline, you get fired if your idea doesn’t sell and the company will lose because of you.

There's nothing more dangerous than to fail and knowing that the result of your failor was not trying to win and you end up blaming yourself/ other people for everything that goes wrong in your life. I will do my best and come up with ideas for my success or die trying, knowing that theres nothing that will stop me to be on top of everything.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How do you survive in the storm?

Do you break or stand?

Imagine yourself in a huge town very dry and full of worms with no where to stand the ground, and there are thorns everywhere. How do you survive? Most people have given up on their dreams, because they couldn’t survive the storm. Have you ever felt so tired, worn out and you feel like there’s nothing you can do about the storm that is right in front of you, the more you run the more you get hurt.

Life has drowned so many people, some find themselves in the shadow of others and some drowning in sinful nature with no exit 'so they think', because there’s an exit in any situation, but you have to find your way out.

How do you find your way out?

You find your way out by realizing something, that you cannot do it on your own you need someone to lean on and that someone is not your friend, parents, Is the only one OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN ‘GOD’. Through it all I’ve learnt one thing only; God is the only one who can get you through the trials and tribulations of this earth.

Have faith in God even when at times you see nothing that is motivating you, but hang in there, because God had your cry.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Living without a purpose !

Having you in your life it’s a bonus in itself, but don’t waste any minute revolving on negative things, you might die there.

A life without a purpose is a life without a destination. Like a boat floating on the ocean, there is no telling where you might end up. With no direction to your life, you will be moved by random feelings and emotions into any harbor. How do you manage to get lost over and over again, because of ignorance? And that makes you to be capable of any wickedness because you lack control of your own life. When a person does not know what direction is making for, no wind is the right wind.

We all know that on the way there are things that you come across, but that is not the end of the day it’s a beginning of new things. How do you survive knowing that you don’t have anything planned for your life, do you sit around and wait for something to happen? You like a zombie that is waiting to be thrown away, and it doesn’t have to be like that.

How do you know that you have something in you? I’m not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals. I mean the real reason why you’re in this earth. Perhaps you’re a rather ‘don’t care’ kind of a person who doesn’t believe you have a purpose and that life has no meaning. I have discovered that in life you can’t live by what if or I wish things were, the only thing that you can do is to wake up and make things happen, because you may never know what the next second brings you. Being scared of failing won’t change things it may just delay you to your destination and at the end of the day we have to climb the mountain to check how fit we are.

15 minutes of Fame....

OOPS!!!! 15 minutes of Fame

15 minutes of fame it's quite interesting when you think about it and quite stressing come to think of it. First of all being the world famous person it gives you all the fame/popularity you need and want and when it stops in a blink of an eye it's a hangover. The world has many opportunities for an individual its either you become famous for 15 minutes and enjoy every minute of it, because you have all the attention you need or sit around and do nothing.

"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes" (Warhol ,1968). Being famous is the most common adventure across the globe, because all most everyone wants to be famous, but at the very same it's not a good thing when the fame ends especially when you least expect it. Being famous is like when you are having your favorite dish and you don't want that meal to end, when you are being destructed you loose your mind and you get your 15 minutes of misery.

15 minutes of Fame it's not something that you should hold on to, because at the end of the day you have to give a chance to other people so that they can have their 15 minute of fame. The most interesting thing is that all most everyone is famous, because we have facebook, twitter, blogger the list go on and that gives you a spot light to people that don't know you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Being what you wanna be!!!

Shhhhhhh, listen to the innerself

Mhhhhhhhh being what you wanna be, is it by choice or is it because you have to be that person? I really don't know. I've came across many things looking around searching for answers, but not finding what I'm looking for, but at the very same time not sure of what I'm looking for. You go in circles looking for the same thing and found out that it's not what I'm looking for, what do you do in that situation.

Are you what you wanted to be?

You made your way where you are today, did you do it in a right way or you just skipped some classes/levels what is it, what's wrong, are you happy where you are, and did you find what you were looking for? My mind is telling me that you are not happy were you are or am I wrong, is it what you wanted to be, why don't you take some time out and spend time with God so that he may reveal himself to you, because I'm not sure whether you want to be there.

I am what I want to be

Im raised, educated, blood washed, beautiful, loving God, close to my destiny, and full of the spirit of God. Never doubt who you are and what you are today determines who you are going to be tomorrow. My brothers and sisters never fear of what is in front of you, just hold your head up and start believing in yourself.